How we start our morning impacts the rest of our day, and in my book a healthy morning routine is essential for our physical, mental, and spiritual health. Looking to start implementing some healthy morning habits? Then consider trying to use the S.A.V.ER.S method below.
Hal Elrod, the author of “The Miracle Morning” recommends using the S.A.V.E.R.S method to start your day off on the right foot. This acronym stands for silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and scribing. These action steps work hand and hand to support you with having a successful day. Now let's break these elements down.
Silence. Start every morning with intentional silence.
Deep breathing
Affirmations. Program yourself to be confident and successful.
Create your affirmations by journaling your answers to these:
What you want your ideal self and life to look like
Why you want it
Who you need to be to achieve this
What you are committed to doing to attain this
Add inspirational quotes
Read your affirmations daily
Add to your affirmations as you grow and evolve
Reflect on or journal what you love about yourself
Write down your strengths
Tap into your emotions while doing your daily affirmations
Visualization. Imagine what you want to accomplish and mentally rehearse what action steps you will need to take to achieve it.
Get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and envision you accomplishing what you want and what you are doing to achieve it.
Exercise. Move your body.
Strength training
Reading. Warm your mind up and learn from the experts.
Do a daily devotional
Read something you are interested in
Read a self-improvement book
Read something uplifting and positive
Read your journal entries
Read some motivational quotes
Scribing. Writing enables you to document your insights, ideas, successes, opportunities, and lessons learned, which in return supports you with growing into the best version of yourself.
Journal your behaviors
Track your progress
Write down your goals
Create a gratitude list
Journal your why and vision
Jot down a to do list for the day
Journal your feelings
Write down any ideas
Journal your successes, challenges, and what you learned
6 Minute S.A.V.E.R.S
Are you not a morning person or pressed for time?…I totally understand! Consider trying this short and sweet morning routine. Try to do each action step below for one minute. You will only need six additional minutes total.
Sit in silence and take some deep breaths or pray
Read your affirmations or write some down
Visualize what it will look and feel like when you reach your goals
Write down what you are grateful for
Read a daily devotional
Move your body (stretch, dance, walk in place, do some jumping jacks, etc.)
Other Simple Morning Routine Ideas:
We've already discussed: deep breathing, meditation, prayer, gratitude, reflection, daily affirmations, visualization, moving the body, reading, and journaling. Below are some other simple morning routine ideas. Even just doing something that makes you feel good for one minute can have a positive impact on your day.
Notice how your feet feel grounded on the floor when you rise
Brush your teeth mindfully
Wash your face
Drink a cup of hot lemon water or glass of cold water
Take a hot shower
Make your bed
Open the blinds
Crack the window and take a deep breath of fresh air
Cuddle your pet
Hug your kid or spouse
Give your spouse a kiss
Step outside and appreciate nature
Listen to your favorite song
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea
Eat a nutritious breakfast
Put on an outfit that makes you feel confident
Put some essential oils on
Smell a flower
Light a candle
Leave a nice note for your kid or spouse
Say I love you or thank you to someone
Have a healthy and happy week Everyone!