Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
I plan to continue doing a "Spirituality Sunday Series" to reflect on my spiritual takeaways from each week, and to hopefully support others who are working to enhance their spiritual health and well-being. Here are my biggest takeaways from this week for those who are interested:
"Jesus Always Daily Devotional" by Sarah Young:
Page 17: "When things are not going your way, refuse to get flustered. Stop what you're doing and take some deep breaths. Seek My Face---spend a few moments enjoying My Presence. Tell me about the matters that are frustrating you. I will help you see things from my perspective and sort out what is really important. Moreover, I will open up the way before you as you press on in trusting dependence, remaining in communication with Me"....Your desire to feel in control is often the culprit behind your frustration. You plan your day and expect others to behave in ways that expedite your plans. When that doesn't happen, you face a choice: to resent the situation or to trust Me. Remember that I am in control and My ways are higher than yours---as the heavens are higher than the earth. Instead of getting agitated about setbacks to your schedule, use them as reminders: I am your Savior-God, and you are My beloved follower. Relax in My sovereign control, trusting in My unfailing Love".
I would say many of us can relate to this in one way or another. Our society tends to live fast pace lifestyles which can most definitely cause us to feel "flustered"; overwhelmed; and stressed. Personally, I often find myself wanting to be in control of outcomes, and I plan everything out meticulously. However, life happens, and often these plans fall through leaving us out of control. Can you relate to this? For example, one day this week I had back to back meetings and a long to do list to complete. Everything was going as planned until I ran into technical issues. I immediately became stressed and "flustered" which got me absolutely nowhere! After reading this passage, it was a reminder that some things are just out of our control, and the best thing to do is step back; take a deep breath; and Seek His Face while resting in His Presence. I encourage you to consider trying to do this at least once this week if you are to start feeling overwhelmed.
"I Heard God Laugh" by Matthew Kelly:
Page: 23 "God, what do you think I should do? I call this the Big Question. It is the question that changed my life forever, and it continues to transform my life on a daily basis when I have the courage to ask it. This question should be a constant theme in our spiritual lives. When we are attentive to it, we find a joy that is independent of external realities, because we have a peace contentment within. It is the peace that comes from knowing that who we are and what we are doing makes sense, regardless of the outcome and regardless of other people's opinions. This peace comes from elevating the only opinion that truly matters: God's".
We have to make so many decisions on a daily basis, and some are easy while others can be very difficult. I don't know about you, but I find it very comforting and reassuring that if we are faced with challenges we can simply ask Him what to do. This can take a lot of pressure off us while making decisions, and can prevent us from feeling hopeless; overwhelmed; lost; depressed; anxious; etc. I encourage you to consider asking Him what to do next time you have to make a difficult decision.
This week I meditated daily, and I tried a variety of different meditations. The one that I enjoyed most was the "Gratitude Meditation". The reason being is because: it is very simple to do; it can really put things into perspective so that you appreciate those things more; and it will most likely leave you feeling more joyful. If interested I would encourage you to consider trying this practice at least one time this week. Here are the simple steps to take to complete this meditation:
Schedule out just 5 minutes out of your busy day
Find a quiet space
Sit in a comfortable position (I sat on a BOSU ball; legs crossed; with hands on my lap)
Close your eyes
Take a deep inhale, and silently say to yourself "I am grateful for"
Take a deep exhale, and silently say a person; place; or thing that you are thankful for
Do this deep breathing while practicing gratitude for 5 minutes, and then enjoy the rest of your day!
I hope you find these tips valuable, and that you have a healthy and happy Sunday!
Thank you! ❤️😊
I love this! Great info!!