Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner I thought this would be the perfect time to reflect on gratitude. Gratitude is defined as: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Research shows and I myself truly believe that gratitude is the key to happiness! Imagine if we focused on everything we have versus everything we don't have. We would probably be way more fulfilled, happy, and joyful. 2020 has definitely thrown a big curve ball at all of us with covid-19; riots; injustice; politics; and the list goes on...but what if we appreciated all of the good things that has come from it too? How do you think this would make you feel mentally and emotionally? I don't know about you but I feel a whole lot more joyful if I focus on all of the good things that have come from it such as: good quality time with Josh (my fiance) and Luna (my puppy); more consistent facetimes, texts, and calls with my family and friends; a whole new appreciation for my health and getting outside and walking; more exercise; getting creative in the kitchen while saving some money; increased empathy; additional time to work on my relationship with Jesus; etc. As you can see gratitude can be VERY powerful, so if you are interested below you will find some tips to support you with practicing more gratitude. I hope you find these helpful!
How to practice gratitude:
Simply reflect on the top 3-5 things you are most grateful for each day
Keep a gratitude journal
Take gratitude walks (aka go out on a walk, get some fresh air and movement, and reflect on what you are grateful for)
Say thank you more often
Affirm others and let them know you appreciate them
Be more present in the moment and grateful for what you have instead of worrying about what is to come
Write a letter/note to a loved one to show your appreciation for them
Show gratitude for your mind and body through: moving; yoga; meditation; positive self talk; etc
When you find yourself thinking of something you are not happy with, take a deep breath and think about all of your blessings