Hey There!
Join me in a new 45-minute dance fitness class! In honor of Beyoncé's new "Renaissance" album, I decided to do a Beyoncé themed class. You can expect to dance to a mixture of her new songs and some oldies but goodies. Here is what the class includes:
Eight dances to all Beyoncé songs
A cool down
A guided meditation that includes affirmations and deep breathing
You can expect to get your heart rate up, tone and strengthen through body weight exercises, destress, channel your inner Yoncé confidence, and have some fun while getting a great workout!
Join me by clicking this link: https://vimeo.com/frankiesfitness/beyonceclass
To access a variety of other dance fitness classes, as well as a support group to hold you accountable to your exercise goals, please join my fitness program by clicking this link: https://www.frankies-fitness.com/challenges.
Thank you for stopping by!